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The good people at UBIT have provided us with a 1TB network folder and allow specified UB users to be able to access this network folder. In The Before Times, there used to be a ubfs folder in your home directory that you needed to manually mount. This is no longer the case, so if you're just returning to the lab after an extended vacation, you will find our shared drive in the /ubfs/ folder:

cd /ubfs/caset/cpmcnorg/

Also, your own network folder can be found in:

cd /ubfs/myfiles/

Possible Problems

I Can't Access the Shared Folder!

Access to /ubfs/caset/ uses Kerberos authentication of your UBIT credentials. When you log in to the workstation, you get a temporary authentication token that's good for a short period of time -- 24 hours or so, I think. If you log in to the workstation and leave the session open for an extended period to run a process (e.g., running data preprocessing over the weekend), then your access token will have expired by the time you log back in (your session will have been idle, but not terminated). If that's the case, you won't be able to access the ubfs folder. Fortunately, the fix for this problem is easy: log out and log back in. This generates a new authentication token.