Reading Development project
The Reading Development project uses an open dataset collected between 2008-2013 in James Booth's Developmental Child Neuroscience Lab at Northwestern. The data are available at
General Notes
To be added later.
Constrained Classifier Project
28 Children (14 TD, 14 RD) with either strong or weak (incl. dyslexia diagnosis) reading skills and no other diagnosis and data from 2 time points. Children were scored according to Z score on 3 reading measures (WATT, Pseudoword decoding, something else), with an additional -1 or -0.5 assigned for a clinical dyslexia diagnosis (-1) or reading difficulty diagnosis (-.5). I selected the children with the top and bottom 14 summed scores.
Anatomical surfaces reconstructed using T1w images at both early and late time points. Functional data from VV runs (word and nonword) preprocessed with both 6mm and 2mm blurring, Siemens slice time.
Functional Masking Using GLMA
A GLMA was carried out, contrasting all lexical vs. baseline to create group-level functional masks for TD and RD (p<.001, cluster P<.05). Union of masks was calculated. Masks were subdivided along template anatomical boundaries using custom scripts intersection clusters with template region boundaries. These regions were further subdivided using mris_divide_whatever.
Time Series Extraction
The 2mm-smoothed data were detrended using to remove linear trend, motion and wm and csf signal as nuisance regressors. The shell script was used to extract time series in fsaverage space to plaintext files.
Functional Connectivity Estimation
Cross-mutual information was used to calculate a functional connectivity matrix for each functional run (8 runs/participant) using a custom MATLAB script.
MATLAB FC Pseudocode
for each subject S: for each time series file: load the files for lh and rh merge lh and rh into a single matrix initialize empty adjacency matrix A for each ordered pair of regions (i,j) in upper triangle of A: calculate the number of bins required for the cross-mutual-information calculation calculate the cross-mutual-information for time series in regions i and j and store in A[i,j] append A to collection of adjacency matrices for S save all adjacency matrices for S to a .mat file