Participant Screening

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When a potential participant contacts the lab to participate in one of the on going studies ask them the following questions:

Screening Questions

  1. Are you right handed?
  2. Is English your dominant language?
  3. Are you taking any medications that affect your central nervous system? (e.g. Ritalin, Valium, beta blockers, etc.)
  4. Are you or may you be pregnant?
  5. Do you have metallic implants, such as pacemakers, replacement joints, cochlear implants?
  6. Do you have an aneurism clip, implanted neural stimulator?
  7. Do you have a vagus nerve stimulator (VNS)?
  8. Do you have any shrapnel injuries?
  9. Do you have any ocular foreign bodies (metal shavings, e.g., associated with welding)?
  10. Do you have a history of metal in head or eyes or other parts of the body?
  11. Do you have tattoos that contain metal (often found in black inks)?
  12. Do you have untreatable claustrophobia otherwise requiring anesthesia or antianxiety medications that may alter your ability to perform the tasks during fMRI scanning?
  13. For safety purposes the MRI scanner has a weight limit of 350 lbs. Do you fall under this limit?